100 New Open Books from Hopkins

From the [press release announcing the first 100 books unlocked in the Mellon + NEH-funded effort to rescue out-of-print books](https://hub.jhu.edu/2019/10/23/jhu-press-releases-100-open-access-books/): > The Encore Editions include works in American and European...

‘At first, Plan S looked like it might have some teeth’

Sam Moore, in an [intervierw on DARIAH Open](https://dariahopen.hypotheses.org/630): > At first, Plan S looked like it might have some teeth to intervene in the publishing market through APC caps and outright bans on hybrid open access. Yet these conditions have been...

‘The State of Open Data Report 2019’

Emily Farrell of MIT Press has an interesting essay tucked in to [Figshare's *State of Open Data Report 2019* report](https://digitalscience.figshare.com/articles/The_State_of_Open_Data_Report_2019/9980783): > As an institutionally-based mission-driven publisher, the...

‘Academics should stop fixating on the editorial power fallacy’

Richard Sever, [writing for the *Times Higher Education Supplement*](https://www.timeshighereducation.com/opinion/academics-should-stop-fixating-editorial-power-fallacy), with the argument that the tyranny of journal impact factors—with all their career-determining...

‘The open access needle in the discovery haystack’

Neil Grindley, head of resource discovery at Jisc, on [challenges surfacing open content in large library collections](https://www.jisc.ac.uk/blog/the-open-access-needle-in-the-discovery-haystack-21-oct-2019), on: > Yet another (perhaps surprising) issue is that there...