‘Ten Prerequisites to Securely Fund Open Infrastructure’

Vanessa Proudman, in a [post for ScholarLed](https://blog.scholarled.org/ten-key-prerequisites-for-open-infrastructure/): > The scholarly communication community needs to call for an open, sustainable infrastructure that is community-owned — one that speaks to our...

‘Privacy hurdles thwart Facebook democracy research’

From a [story in *Nature* on the SSRC's mostly stalled Facebook research program](https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-019-02966-x): > But issues with the data quickly emerged: Facebook has been able to share some information with researchers, but providing them...

‘Two Competing Visions for Research Data Sharing’

Interesting [Scholarly Kitchen post](https://scholarlykitchen.sspnet.org/2019/10/14/competing-visions-research-data/) by Roger Schonfeld. The gist is a compare-and-contrast of "publications" and "community" visions for data sharing.

Martin Eve wins Leverhulme Prize

From [Martin Eve's exciting announcement that he's won the Leverhulme Trust Prize in Literary Studies](https://eve.gd/2019/10/14/i-have-won-the-2019-philip-leverhulme-prizei-have-won-the-2019-philip-leverhulme-prizei-have-won-the-2019-philip-leverhulme-prize/): > I...