‘Student tracking, secret scores’

[*The Washington Post*](https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2019/10/14/colleges-quietly-rank-prospective-students-based-their-personal-data/), in a story on prospective student tracking at U.S. colleges and universities: > The admissions officer also received a...

‘An expensive but possible way to do Society OA’

Martin Eve, [on a professional association's struggle to go OA](https://eve.gd/2019/09/25/an-expensive-way-to-do-society-oa/): > A Learned Society spoke to me last week about what they could do to move to an open-access model. They currently receive about 100,000 EUR...

The MIT Press monograph grant

[From the press release announcing a three-year, $850,000 grant to MIT Press from Arcadia](https://mitpress.mit.edu/blog/mit-press-receives-generous-grant-arcadia-fund-develop-and-pilot-sustainable-framework-open): > Amy Brand, director of the MIT Press and principal...

‘The Research Data Sharing Business Landscape’

Roger Schonfeld, [in a Scholarly Kitchen post on the emerging data sharing "business landscape"](https://scholarlykitchen.sspnet.org/2019/10/02/research-data-sharing-business-landscape/): > On July 17, Dryad and Zenodo, two leading generalist not-for-profit data...