Emily Farrell of MIT Press has an interesting essay tucked in to [Figshare's *State of Open Data Report 2019* report](https://digitalscience.figshare.com/articles/The_State_of_Open_Data_Report_2019/9980783):

> As an institutionally-based mission-driven publisher, the MIT Press (MITP) stands in a unique position to promote open data. The Press is seeking and finding ways to incentivize researchers to cite and attribute the data they use, and to make their own data available for others to reuse.

The short essay is about citing data, but the statement about MIT Press is intriguing—if only because the press publishes a number of scholarly monographs in the humanities and humanistic social sciences. Could MIT encourage authors to make qualitative "data" like archival materials "available for others to reuse"? In any case, let's hope they'd encourage authors to go with nonprofit repositories like [Zenodo](http://zenodo.org) or [Dryad](https://datadryad.org/stash) instead of a SpringerNature unit like Figshare.