‘The Disneyfication of a University’

Dane Kennedy, [in a *Chronicle* commentary](https://www.chronicle.com/article/The-Disneyfication-of-a/248015) [paywall] on the Disney Institute deal with George Washington University, where he teaches: > Our president is rumored to have forked over $3 million to $4...

Gary Hall and Janneke Adema on COPIM: Interview

Gary Hall and Janneke Adema, in an [interview for Open Insights](https://www.openlibhums.org/news/356/) on their [Community-led Open Publicaiton Infrastructure for Monographs](https://copim.pubpub.org/pub/3x691fzn) project ([funded by Research...

Disney in Academe’s Groves

Liz Morrish, [reflecting on](https://academicirregularities.wordpress.com/2020/02/16/pdr-in-the-disneyfied-university/) recent reporting that the George Washington University had [put senior staff through training from the Disney...

‘What Will Be Left after the Purge?’

Eva-Maria Swidler, in a [follow-up blog post](https://academeblog.org/2020/02/07/what-will-be-left-after-the-purge/) to her [remarkable *Academe* article](https://www.aaup.org/article/purge-higher-education#.XjNJYGhKgdU) on the plight of liberal arts colleges—a piece...