Eva-Maria Swidler, in a [follow-up blog post](https://academeblog.org/2020/02/07/what-will-be-left-after-the-purge/) to her [remarkable *Academe* article](https://www.aaup.org/article/purge-higher-education#.XjNJYGhKgdU) on the plight of liberal arts colleges—a piece I [praised the other day](https://www.jeffpooley.com/2020/02/the-purge-of-higher-education/):

> I am now personally confronting the realities of the bifurcation of higher education. In my piece for Academe, I wrote about the realities of elite colleges, which continue to have wonderful faculty-student ratios, face-to-face seminars, personal guidance, and professors paid enough to focus abundantly on each of their assigned courses. I also wrote about the evolving counterpoint model of an industrialized college for the masses, complete with a faculty that consists in large majority of constantly rotating, harried, underpaid, and overworked contingents (that’s me), huge classes, and computerized “learning management systems” with special features to act as organizational crutches for those overloaded teachers. But after composing the article last fall, this spring I had to actually live the unfortunate reality of the industrial experience in the form of teaching four courses at three colleges, with enrollments of thirty students per class.

Swidler was furloughed from Goddard College, just the kind of progressive school that she identified, in her [*Academe* article](https://www.aaup.org/article/purge-higher-education#.XjNJYGhKgdU), as uniquely vulnerable.