Katherine Skinner and Sarah Wipperman, in a [new Educopia Institute report on values/principles statements in scholarly communication](https://educopia.org/principles_values_wp/):

> ... [t]woday’s institutional reward structures, coupled with dominant publishing industry practices, more often serve to undermine the wide circulation and usage of scholarly output. In stark contrast to the diverse marketplace of small, independent societies and university presses that constituted the academic publishing system prior to the 1970s, today, a handful of for-profit, external service providers own and control most of the infrastructure supporting scholarly research and publishing—along with most of the academy's research output. [....] This expansion signals a dangerous loss of control by the academy over both its own academic output and the ways that academic output is measured, analyzed, and ultimately used.

They call this "misalignment" and, in the [report](https://educopia.org/principles_values_wp/), have gathered and collated best practice documents, mission statements and governance principles that—they hope and recommend—will re-align purpose and practice.