‘Small but sustainable? Scholar-led journals and open access’

Early results from a [DFG-funded study of diamond OA scholar-led journals in Germany](https://zenodo.org/record/4061304#.X5wwIC33afB): About 20 percent of the titles receive subsidies, mostly from university libraries. The authors aren't sanguine about the other 80...

‘Beware the Instant Global-Campus Movement’

Phil Hill, [writing in the *Chronicle*](https://www.chronicle.com/article/beware-the-instant-global-campus-movement) on the [recent University of Arizona acquisition of the for-profit...

Coming Soon: Communications of the AMS, a New Diamond Journal

An interesting tidbit, buried in a [Scholarly Kitchen post](https://scholarlykitchen.sspnet.org/2020/10/06/the-global-pandemic-and-scholarly-societies/) on the implications of COVID for professional associations: > At the [American Mathetical Society], our approach is...

‘Reassembling Scholarly Communications’

Jonathan Gray, [announcing his new collection](https://jonathangray.org/2020/10/20/new-book-reassembling-scholarly-communications-mit-press/), co-edited with Martin Eve: > MIT Press have recently published a new book on [Reassembling Scholarly Communications:...