‘Colleges Speeding Up Digital Transformation’

A Salesforce exec, in [an October post](https://www.salesforce.org/blog/hed-speeding-up-digital-transformation/) hawking the company's software tools : > In a matter of months, higher education institutions have had to [reinvent...

‘How to start your own preprint review community on PubPub’

From [PubPub](https://help.pubpub.org/pub/preprints-toolkit), the [MIT open source platform](https://www.pubpub.org): > The community is still working on the processes, workflows, standards, and values that will support this emergent form of publishing. But that...

‘AI is wrestling with a replication crisis’

[*MIT Technology Review*](https://www.technologyreview.com/2020/11/12/1011944/artificial-intelligence-replication-crisis-science-big-tech-google-deepmind-facebook-openai/), on the challenges to reproducibility in AI research: > According to the [2020 State of AI...

‘A Plan S for Academic Books’

From [SPARC Europe](https://sparceurope.org/)'s summary of a [recent gathering to discuss and inform](https://sparceurope.org/plans-academicbooks_communityvoices1/) the coming [Plan S for books](https://www.coalition-s.org/faq-theme/oa-monographs/): > With almost 75...