‘scite Launches Smart Citations on 121 Wiley Journals’

From the [Medium post](https://medium.com/scite/scite-launches-smart-citations-on-121-wiley-journals-298f4a802ac7) announcing that [scite](https://help.scite.ai) has struck a deal with [Wiley](https://www.wiley.com/en-us) to embed its contextual citation snippets...

MDPI Annual Report

From the [annual report](https://www.mdpi.com/message/45b73e7f0b699680732e9d2deac7836b/39957adfd0e600012a1d48350d21317f) of [MDPI](https://www.mdpi.com), the Swiss-based for-profit OA bohemoth: > * 165.2K peer-reviewed manuscripts published online, an increase of...

‘I don’t think MIT is interested’

MIT Libraries' Chris Bourg, [quoted in an *Inside Higher Ed* story](https://www.insidehighered.com/news/2021/03/17/university-california-reaches-new-open-access-agreement-elsevier) on the [UC-Elsevier...

MIT Press’s Direct to Open: Ability to Pay

The most exciting aspect of MIT Press's [Direct to Open](https://direct.mit.edu/books/pages/direct-to-open-fees) OA book initiative is that library-participant fees are set, in part, according to ability to pay: > ## To determine fees that allow the offer to reach the...

The APC in the HUA Kerkuffle

I finally got around to reading the [forensic *Chronicle* account of turmoil at the anthropology journal *HUA*](https://www.chronicle.com/article/how-one-prominent-journal-went-very-wrong). The story, by Jesse Singal, is worth a read—it is an impressively thorough and...