‘A corrective to the disinfo corrective’

Gabe Stein, in a [smart critique](https://www.gabestein.com/pub/s9dbouca/) of Joseph Berstein's *Harper's* [takedown of 'Big Disinfo'](https://harpers.org/archive/2021/09/bad-news-selling-the-story-of-disinformation/) > Thus, explaining away attempts to understand the...

‘5 Ways Higher Ed Will Be Upended’

Arthur Levine—a reliable source for higher-ed disaster-porn—in a [*Chronicle* piece](https://www.chronicle.com/article/5-ways-higher-ed-will-be-upended-in-the-decades-to-come?cid=gen_sign_in) (co-authored with Scott Van Pelt): > Anticipating such upheaval, some...

‘Collective Funding to Reclaim Scholarly Publishing’

From my just-published [*Commonplace* piece on the mission-aligned funding exchange](https://commonplace.knowledgefutures.org/pub/erpw9udj/): > Any alternative to the prevailing scholarly communication system must be built atop a different funding model, one that...

‘Open access in an age of surveillance technology’

Erin Rose Glass, in a [smart 2019 post I only just discovered](http://www.erinroseglass.com/open-access-in-an-age-of-surveillance-technology/): > Open access has a surveillance problem. > No, I don’t mean to suggest that open access is necessarily surveillant, or that...