Kate Eichhorn, [writing in the *Chronicle of Higher Education*](https://www.chronicle.com/article/the-gig-economy-comes-for-scholarly-work) [paywalled]:

> In early March, Chegg launched a marketing campaign to convince educators to sell their teaching materials to the company’s recently launched Uversity platform. Chegg describes Uversity as a “collaborative learning library,” though many educators may disagree with that characterization. […] The message went on to break down Chegg’s assessed valuation of different types of curricular materials, with a caveat that the listed price reflects the company’s current 50-percent bonus — a limited-time offer. Apparently, if I rushed to take advantage of this promotion, I could cash in to the tune of $375 per practice exam (limit 4), $375 per study guide (limit 4), $120 for lecture notes (limit 15), $75 per practice quiz (limit 5), $120 per case study (limit 5), and $120 for lab notes (limit 10).

Chegg, the cheating-as-a-service (CAAS) platform, is preying on underpaid academics:

> That there’s a market for Chegg’s predatory practices at all reflects the grim reality of higher education in the 2020s. As stories about the [New Faculty Majority](http://www.newfacultymajority.info/) reveal, a critical mass of faculty members don’t make enough money to support themselves and their families. As a result, side gigging is already a norm in higher education.