‘The Peer-Review Crisis’

Colleen Flaherty, writing for Inside Higher Ed: Roland Hatzenpichler, assistant professor of environmental microbiology at Montana State University, said it’s been about a year since he started refusing to review for for-profit journals for free. In response to one...

‘Amazon joins race for quantum computer with new Caltech center’

Jeanne Whalen, writing for The Washington Post (paywalled) on Amazon's play for quantum computing : Amazon will base its quantum team at a new center on the campus of Caltech in Pasadena, Calif., which officially opens this week. Caltech described it as the first...

‘Replacing Academic Journals’

Björn Brembs and nine co-authors, in a sweeping paper posted to Zenodo last fall: There is now a very real threat of a single (or few) corporations effectively owning all scientific data, both research data and user data, on top of their share of the scholarly...

‘Contributor Roles Taxonomy (CRediT) Formalized as NISO Standard’

Speaking of persistent identifiers, NISO annointed the CRediT taxonomy as an official standard in February. The core bundle of roles to credit has been around since 2014: Conceptualization Data curation Formal analysis Funding acquisition Investigation Methodology...

‘Why Publishers Should Care About Persistent Identifiers’

Phill Jones and Alice Meadows, in a Scholarly Kitchen post urging publishers to go all in with persistent identifiers like ORCID: Over the last few years, there has been significant progress in developing recommendations, policies, and procedures for creating,...