Must-Read Paper on Shady OPM Deals

From June: A jaw-dropping paper, based on FOIA documents, that tracks the foundation-boring grip that for-profit Online Program Management (OPM) firms like 2U have on public universities. The authors combed through hundreds of private contracts, documenting widespread...

Preprints as a Language-Editing Funnel

Preprint platform Research Square exists to drive business to English-language editing factory American Journal Experts (AJE), which launched the platform in 2018. Preprint authors receive a Language Quality Score, and are then shilled to spend hundreds of dollars on...

‘PubPub’s Plan to Support Self-Hosting’

Speaking of the Knowledge Futures Group's Gabe Stein, here's the key excerpt from his recent post outlining the KFG's plans for PubPub self-hosting: We’re planning to support both centralized and self-hosted versions within our existing nonprofit by slowly building...

‘Social Cost’

The Knowledge Futures Group's Gabe Stein, in a sharp analysis of the peculiar market dynamics of scholarly publishing: Because of this complexity, the academic publishing market imposes enormous social switching costs on its customers. For an individual researcher to...