‘Open letter to the WHOSTP and Subcommittee on Open Science’

From an open letter to the OSTP: We are active researchers in different fields who wish to make scholarship more equitable. We wholeheartedly applaud your recent memorandum ensuring free, immediate and equitable access to federally funded scholarship. Your leadership...

‘OA Agreement Intelligence’

The Copyright Clearance Center (which has, apparently, rebranded as CCC), announcing a new service for publishers on the hunt for read-and-publish lucre: CCC, a leading provider of Open Access (OA) workflow solutions, has launched OA Agreement Intelligence, the only...

‘Keeping Publishing Infrastructure Independent’

Roger Schonfeld, in a Scholarly Kitchen post on the private-equity sale of publishing platform Silverchair: Silverchair will not be owned by an investment-oriented private equity firm forever. Sooner or later, it will likely end up in the arms of another owner,...

‘A New Matthew Effect’

Rachel Miles, writing on The Bibliomagician on the new crop of automated tools that spit out citation recommendations: The Matthew Effect, in which advantage begets more advantage, is exacerbated by automated citation recommendation tools. These tools’ algorithms are...

edX: The Company Formerly Known as 2U

Phil Hill, writing for EdSurge on hard times for the Online Program Management (OPM) industry: Wiley posted an 8 percent drop in university partner enrollment for its OPM segment, Pearson lost its biggest OPM customer (Arizona State University) and reported falling...