From the Open Access Week announcement:

“Community over Commercialization” is the theme for this year’s International Open Access Week (October 23-29). This theme encourages a candid conversation about which approaches to open scholarship prioritize the best interests of the public and the academic community—and which do not. […] Adopted by its 193 Member States, the UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science highlights the need to prioritize community over commercialization in its calls for the prevention of “inequitable extraction of profit from publicly funded scientific activities” and support for “non-commercial publishing models and collaborative publishing models with no article processing charges.”

The huge diamond OA gathering in Mexico is, of course, the same week—with Europe coming to Latin America. In more ways than one, as it turns out: Once the world’s center of APC activity, Europe is now (or so it seems) charting an open-authorship future. And it’s explicitly calling for nonprofit infrastructure, here again coming home to Latin America. Also in gestation: cOAlition S pulling the plug on transformative [sic] deals, and U.S. Nelson Memo implementation.

I’m heating up the popcorn.