‘Academic Life Is About Humiliation and Envy. This Novel Gets It.’

My short piece in the Chronicle Review (paywalled, alas, but here’s a PDF), on C.P. Snow’s The Masters (1951): What Snow captures is the outsize role pride plays in faculty life. We are, nearly all of us, vulnerable like this — a single snub is enough. We live in a...

‘STM welcomes landmark EU AI Act vote’

STM—the Dutch-based trade group and self-proclaimed “standard bearer for the academic publishing industry”—joined over a dozen media-related associations to applaud passage of the EU’s Artificial Intelligence Act. The reason, of course, is the promise of AI training...

‘University-business interactions’

Times Higher Education, on UK ‘university-business collaborations’ [paywall]: Figures from the Higher Education Statistics Agency (Hesa) show that 76,619 university-business interactions occurred in 2022-23. This was down by 5 per cent from the number registered in...